Live Ribble Valley - Feature

During the early onset of winter, I had the pleasure of engaging in an illuminating conversation with editor Jan Woolley for a feature in Live Ribble Valley magazine. The spotlight was cast upon my role as a designer-maker nestled within the captivating landscape of the Forest of Bowland, UK. Together Jan and I discussed my transition from living in Manchester, and what motivated me to move to this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Exploring the inspiration the Forest of Bowland provides, the realm of my artistic endeavours and my dedicated commitment to sustainable craftsmanship.

Our dialogue also delved into the realm of intricately handcrafted wooden toys and the research-led approach I've undertaken. The conversation revealed the success these creations have enjoyed over the past half-decade. For those eager to glean insights, a copy of this thought-provoking article is readily accessible through the following link: Live Ribble Valley Issue 138. You can find me on pages 160-161.


The Story Behind the Map - Discover Bowland


Pendle Hill Story Map